
- It takes a village to raise a child - African saying
- Nature is our best teacher
- we are the world, we are the ones to make a brighter day!..

- Natural farming, food forest

- We dig our grave with our teeth

- Freedom of expression is my birth right

- Freedom of speech comes with great responsibility

- I become what I see in myself. All that thought suggests to me, I can do; All that thought reveals to me, I can become. This should be man’s unshakeable faith in himself, because God dwells in him.

- The Mother said - it is not this OR that, it is this AND that
- Life is for living not to understand
‎"Sometimes you can't see the forest through the trees."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2nd walk in the forest by non residents

  There are walks in Auroville being organised by the Green Centre.
  We graciously accepted as we feel a need to share and express ourselves in regards to what we are doing and being here in Lumiere and there is nothing better then actually coming in person :)
  So this Sunday, a good 20 people, walked from Dana (1km ~ 15 minutes walk) to the land that we renamed from Fertile Field.  It is open, there is a lot of light, wind and space to breath hence the name Lumiere which Ange actually suggested once upon a time.
  Everything that is here is because of Perumal.  He started the place in 1999.  We took the relay several years back..
  Tlaloc, a pioneer and returned Aurovilian, so happened to be on the walk and had lived in the area back then :) so he briefed us on the area..the Fertile dynasty of the past.  i.e. Dana used to be part of it..
  Interesting to have people over and ask questions.  I am a young forester and when fancy questions are asked and i dont know the answer i bluntly said, "i dont know."
  Barnabash, a Hungarian child, actually to be precise Bogi and Zsolty's son, trotted along with his newly learnt whistle.  it is their family tune that he practiced all along :)  sweet.
  i hope it was of interest for the walkers.
  Catherine gave a little talk on Carbon Initiatives..where a few did generously donate towards planting in all forests in the greenbelt for this year 2011!
  It is raining as i write this.  What a pleasure and a gift for the plants.  It will be a great boost for the passage through the summer..

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