Beats me how some things get fussed over and others snubbed. Perhaps it is a tendency in human nature to associate only with the ones in limelight and ignore everything else. Being proxy to the famous you get sprinkled upon with some star dust.
Yet,happiness is elsewhere somehow.
Aren't all sentient beings equal in God's eyes? If one banyan tree by an accident of chance happens to grow roots in a patch of land which, according to some, is 'holy land' ( God, one more!), that banyan tree is disproportionately hallowed. What about others, says I? What about other banyans, for instance, which have grown within the same 'holy' compound of the great 'holy' land? Can they be cut and hacked randomly, cement benches be built upon their roots. Why?
One obvious answer is this:- the Mother has not mentioned them anywhere in any of her many writings, nor any reference to them is sited in her recorded conversations.
So what?
It is common sense that all trees are trees and they are significant, perhaps the most significant element that makes earth the living planet.
Tukarama, the 16 th c. saint from Maharashtra wrote such passionate poetry. One of them is," Vikshavalli amha soyari vanachari..." ( Forests (all vegetation) are our relatives...)
But then it is not uncommon among men that some relatives are dearer than others. One aunt gets more of our love and attention than others, because that aunt was mother's favorite? Does that mean that the Divine is not all that impartial after all? S/He has preferences?