Finally, the blades painted and the axel greased, we started to winch the fan up. Slowly going up, two guys down with ropes pulling the fan away from the tower so as it is free to rise and 2 others up on the top winching away.. Reaching the platform the cable decided to snap!

Everyone under ran for cover, the fan, weighing 350kg, decided to dig into the tower at half way..
Catching into one of the rods, it bent the tower in many places, the ladder is bent like a
snake and several blades are crooked!
one guy at the top as the cable snapped, which he was holding
so the it wind properly into the winch, shooked him and he got unsta
ble - luckily he grabbed the tower and held for his life!

He banged his head in the rocking of the tower when the fan went into the tower! He is fine..
Strangely, i had seen him fall and with my visualisation somehow kept him up there or atleast made his fall soft; and kept asking myself how would they do if they had to repair one of the pipes of the tower do they have to remove the whole tower?
already 2 weeks gone by, water level low..let see what to do next?
Every drop of water counts!